Housing Benefits

The University offers housing benefits in the form of a non-accountable cash allowance (NCA) or housing voucher, with eligibility subject to terms listed in the Letter of Appointment and the fulfilment of “Prevention of Double Housing Benefits”.

Housing Voucher Vs Non-Accountable Cash Allowance (NCA)


  • Housing voucher or NCA is of the same value for the same rank


Tax Implication

  • The value of the housing voucher is reported as quarter provision of the University during tax reporting
  • If the rental of the University accommodation is lower than the value of the housing voucher, the University will pay the difference in the form of a taxable cash allowance


  • Housing voucher or NCA is of the same value for the same rank


  • Mostly used to rent accommodation out of the University
  • Could also be used to rent University quarters, however, at a rate as prescribed by the Finance and Enterprises Office
  • Could be used to meet housing or other needs at your discretion

Tax Implication

  • Deemed as income for Salaries Tax

The rates of the NCA/housing voucher will be adjusted from time to time. Any adjusted rates of NCA/housing voucher will apply to both current and new recipients. The value of the NCA/housing voucher will increase when the staff is promoted, if appropriate. The offering of the NCA/housing voucher will cease upon the termination of employment, during the period of no-pay leave or when the appointee is no longer eligible.

Senior Staff Quarters

Senior Staff Quarters are located at different locations around the campus, including Pokfulam Road, Sha Wan Drive, Victoria Road and Mount Davis Road. Staff quarters are open for renting by staff subject to availability. Allocation priority will be given to those who are entitled to it under the terms of appointment.

The Finance and Enterprises Office manages the leasing and allocation of staff quarters while the Estates Office is responsible for the move-in arrangement, property management, repair & maintenance and renovation works for staff quarters. View the interiors of quarters and learn more details here.

Rent & Other Costs

The rent is subject to the size and location of staff quarters and will be deducted from the salary account by the Finance and Enterprises Office. For the case of housing voucher, if the rent of the staff quarter is higher than the value of the housing voucher, the difference will be borne by the appointee. On the other hand, if the rent is lower than the value of the housing voucher, the difference will be paid to the appointee as a taxable cash allowance.

  • Rent a staff quarter at a discounted rate using housing voucher
  • Rent a staff quarter at a rate as prescribed by the Finance and Enterprises Office using NCA
  • Rent a staff quarter at the market rate if not eligible for the University-arranged accommodation

The University is responsible for the renovation and maintenance of staff quarters, while occupants are required to pay the utility charges to utility operators directly (e.g. water, electricity, gas, telephone, internet services and pay-TV). Water and electricity supplies have been connected to individual units of the staff quarters. The Urban Property Management Limited will take meter readings as cut-off records upon move-in and move-out. The readings will be passed onto the Finance and Enterprises Office for further action. Upon move-in, the occupant should update the Water Supplies Department and the Hong Kong Electric Company on the new customer details, which bills will be sent to the occupant directly for settlement. Occupants shall arrange and select service providers themselves for the installation and connection of telephone, internet/broadband facility and Cable TV etc. Read other commonly asked questions here.

Facilities & Resources

You may enjoy the following resources and benefits when renting a staff quarter:

Key Contacts & Useful Links

Job Duties: Leasing and allocation of Senior Staff Quarters

Email: feo_housing@hku.hk

Job Duties: Move-in arrangement, property management, repair & maintenance and renovation works

Tel: (852) 3917 6571 / (852) 3917 6570 [office hour]

Email: HMU@estates.hku.hk

Website: https://www.staffquarters.hku.hk/services

Job Duties: Provides facility management services under the supervision of the Estates Office (e.g. security, car parking, cleaning, building repairs and attendance on emergency cases)

Tel: (852) 2818 7920 [24-hour customer services hotline]

Email:  HKU-SSQ-Helpdesk@cbre.com

Temporary Accommodation

The University offers short-term accommodation options for scholars, researchers and visitors engaged in academic and research activities with the University. You may approach the following University accommodation units directly for details regarding room availability and charge.